28 January 2011

27January2011 - still standing, yeargh!!!!

Today is a very weird day, at least for me...
I woke up quite late this morning and I thought I might be late for class, and suddenly my friends said that there were no class for this whole day. And it seems like I was the only one who didn't know that.

At the time we were looking for water to start our day with, we got a bad news, there was no water at the college. So I followed my comrade, Pojie, to 'surau' to take our bath there. Ya, the 'surau' rarely has water problem. We always go there when we face water prob at hostel. Including those who doesn't go there to pray, also go there to find water.

I went to CP at the evening to buy some things like CD, cream cracker, dairy milk, etc... erm, nothing weird here.

I noticed that I hadn't finish my assignment, which I supposed to submit tomorrow, yet, but still I decided to go to kawad's training at UiTM Sepanggar, until 11pm. 'Nothing happened' there!!!

And right now I am updating my blog, and still haven't done my assignment. After this perhaps. Please, give me strength to ignore FB etc...

But... Madam Jenny's assignment is a very very simple and short assignment that can be finished around 10-15minutes concentration in front of the laptop. It is just me who practicing this last-sem-laziness-disease starting January, and I will cure completely on May. For sure! So now, hold on, put these heavy fingers on the keyboard, and start doing the assignment..... tap tap tap tatatatap tap tap tap!


Ibrahim Ismail said...

You surely will nail it!

Syafiq Fadeli said...

amiin...i need motivation, for example, allowance..hahahaha

mrskzee said...

hahahaha. this is very entertaining. seronok aku ketawe. and for the record, i feel you bro! :D

Syafiq Fadeli said...

u feel me,i feel u,we are siblings of C4,empathy... hahaha