08 April 2011

My Doa (during a seminar's opening ceremony)

The doa that I recited during the opening ceremony of 'C4 Professional Development Seminar 2011', 07th April 2011.

"Ya Allah, the one and only, who is capable to write in the lahuz mahfuz. You are the one who created the wonders of the moon and the sun, the skies and the seas, the earth that cycles in the infinite cycles, also the wonders and secrets in sevens. You are the most merciful and gracious one, grant us your forgiveness and love. Bless us, our family, our friends, our relatives, and all people around the world. Help and guide us so we can walk on your path. Treasure us with your redha so we will become blissful and successful people eternally. With that, bless our program today, so our gathered efforts will gain your Rahmah the moment it starts to its last second. Please put nothing in this program but all goodness and blessings.

Ya Allah, the one who breathes life and takes souls, who says ‘Kun’ to create and change and destroy the universe in the blink of eyes. The one who created life and death. On this day we ask you to bless the kind soul of our beloved lecturer who answered your call yesterday, Allahyarham Muhd Arif Azman. Place him at the best place together with all Mukmin and Muttaqin, together with your beloved Anbiya’ and Syuhada’, together with those who you promise heavens for them, freed from the hardship of Barzakh, Mahsyar and Siratul Mustaqim. Forgive him, and bless him, and love him Ya Allah."


Ibrahim Ismail said...

Banyaknye cincin. Pinjam?

Syafiq Fadeli said...

ya bnyk...2 je pun... hehehehe