09 March 2011

Canon Power Shot A495

Aku baru balik dari CP, pegi beli sebuah kamera Canon Power Shot A495 (RM299).
Ok la tuh kan, juz nak ambik gambar biasa2 je.
ye la, time bagi ceramah ke, time kua dgn kawan2 ke.
Tak perlu yang power2 la, takat nak bagi ceramah tu, bukannya aku lompat2 pun masa bagi ceramah nak ambik gambar 'on air' hahahaha.
Tahniah utk aku sbb ada kamera baru huhuhu.


Ibrahim Ismail said...

I thought you already have one? Tell me about the specs. And do tell me that you're going to bring it to class and anywhere - would love to be featured in MOST of the photos. Now whose camera is that, again? Haha

Syafiq Fadeli said...

no la,my previous one had been stolen,hehehe.i might bring it to places that i think i must take photos hehehehe.u r welcomed to be featured in them,just make sure u r quick enough to catch the lens haha.it has 10mp,steady shot,zoom 3.3x,n some other cool photo filters...it's worth it i think.hehe