10 March 2011

Faizal Tahir and his Superman Guitar

Who watched Anugerah Juara lagu 23 (AJL 23) in 2009 if I’m not mistaken, would realize that one of the singers that night, Faizal Tahir, used a brand new blue guitar with a nice Superman logo on it, when he was performing his hit song Sampai Syurga.

At the first part, he didn’t use any instrument. In his second part, he brought a guitar and gave the optimum performance like I never seen before. Like he had got a new super energy or something, and at that time, his delivery really got into the audience’s heart, everybody was like seeing a ghost, people didn’t want to even blink their eyes because they didn’t want to miss a single second on that performance… it was totally amazing.

Do you know that the guitar is so special to FT? hehehe. Yes it is. The guitar was a gift from his beloved wife for his career, it was specially ordered and made for him. As we all know FT is a very family person, he loves his family very much. His family, his fan, and the guitar really boosted him up that night. Superb!!!

It is sweet, isn't it? hehe


Prinzessin Reena said...

asal nampak faizal tahir, mesti sy ingat sir ne. smpai skrg. hahaha ! :)

Syafiq Fadeli said...

hah,kenapa pula?hehe

Anonymous said...

penyanyi macam 2 ko mnat???????heh....

Syafiq Fadeli said...

minat lagu2 dia...hehe

Anonymous said...

iye????best ke????

Syafiq Fadeli said...

agak ok la...dgr lagu sampai syurga,mahakarya cinta,selamat malam,etc.ok sgt.

Anonymous said...

Cuba nyanyi ckit...i nk dengar..he....

Syafiq Fadeli said...

.................... ok dah nyanyi dh,dgr x?hehehe...i nyanyi x sedapmain hentam2 je bleh la hehehe

Anonymous said...

No wonder lah lagit nmpak gelap kat luar 2......

Syafiq Fadeli said...

mmg la...kan malam ni hehehe

Anonymous said...

ya x ya jgak ek....nasib baik xde thunderstorm mlm ni ek.....

Syafiq Fadeli said...

btol tu...syukur sgt2 hehehe