15 August 2012


hi all... please have a look at my latest short film, specially created for Ramadhan. I am one of the casts in the video, as well as my students from 4Nilam SMK Laloh. Alhamdulillah, we've gained a lot of viewers so far. InshaAllah, next video would be much better. Next project, short film national level, me featuring Mr. Tuan Rizal.

These are some more new videos:


Anonymous said...

saya suka video-video ini semua. namun begitu, saya teringin mahu tonton video encik blogger yang lebih berani sebab idea memang best. buat lah video pasal isu semasa jika ada. yang mana ada banyak sindiran halus. saya suka video negara barat yang mana ia menyentuh sesuatu isu dengan cara sangat perihatin dan teliti sehingga ada yang kita selalu lihat tapi tidak pernah sedar pun. wah! i think that you can make that kind of video, which is the very mantap video..=D

Syafiq Fadeli said...

inshaAllah..akan diusahakan :) tq for watching. share semua dgn kawan2 ya?

Anonymous said...

ya encik!