19 May 2011

I have Chatbox

I have my own chatbox on my blog.
Thanks to Nadiaz Kamikaze for 'reminding' me.
Ya..I was always thinking about it,
But then I forgot to put it in, hek3
Plus, I didn't really know how to subscribe it.
That led me to several conclusion,
like 'ah, lain kali je la..' and 'takde pon takpe kot..'
But now, I have it already, naaaaaaa.........
This is an ACHIEVEMENT!!! hohohohohoho.


Fanzi Ruji said...

Congratulations!!!! Hehehe.

Syafiq Fadeli said...

tq...ini adalah kejayaan kita bersama!!!hohoho

Nadiaz Namikaze said...

oit2..nadiaz kamikaze???? haha.. ure welkame anyway..tade hal lah..haha

Syafiq Fadeli said...

eh,namikaze ke???hahaha..aku salah sangka selama ni hahaha.

Nadiaz Namikaze said...

ekk?? apekah?? haha..

Syafiq Fadeli said...

coz this whole time i thought it was Kamikaze... i didnt really read it,it looked like Kamikaze hehe