03 May 2011

Bila Cikgu English Main Flash

Alhamdulillah, I had done my courseware presentation just now and it was not bad. It was a very challenging task since I am not really expert in this area, but thanks to Joe coz he shared a software with me last night and it helped a lot. Luckily, now I have new skills including using flash etc. I have a mock exam tomorrow and also have to send my AE, and of course still have the one and only paper to be taken this 8th May. So far so good, but seriously, I'm really tired. I haven't got enough sleep for several days, that weakens me a lot. And now I want to have a short nap, before I wake up and continue editing my AE. If possible, I want to submit it this evening, inshaAllah... I must celebrate this survivor after all these 'requirements' are done. Guys, let's hang out somewhen.


Anonymous said...

Salam.utk pertama skalinya, TAHNIAH diucapkan pd bapak syafiq karna bisa bikin kerja dgn sukses skali. dlm mcari ilmu, ngak pernah ada yg jauh dr cobaan. ya, emang capek bget..tapi ingatlah bhwsanya pahala mnuntut ilmu itu amat besar skali. dan orang2 yg sabar itu sntiasa hampirrr dgn si Maha Pencipta.. saranan gwe agar bapak trus tabah langsung kuat menjalani hidup sbagai sorg penuntut ilmu=) doaku bsama2 bapak.. =)

Syafiq Fadeli said...

salam.waaah,ada Indonesian pertama komen blog aku hehehehe.tq ya bapak/ibu,moga kita semua bisa berjaya donia akhirat, sampai surga ya...hehe