05 April 2011

TAHUKAH ANDA??? Fakta Terkini Ttg Syafiq Fadeli::..

These are several facts that people (you) must know about me, currently.

1) This is my last semester...after this maybe people around me (might be including you) will not see me anymore for their whole life.
2) I will get married.
3) I am extremely sad by the fact that I will leave this student life, Commander life, campus life, etc...
4) I love LANGUAGE (especially in speaking)

OK, for those who did not know about this, you must know it by now. For you guys who are having fun time with me currently, you must realize that you have like 1 more month to be with me, because after that, I am leaving. So, let's spend more times together, because I am going to miss this life badly after this. Sincerely.


Anonymous said...

when are you getting married?

Anonymous said...


nadiaz said...


Syafiq Fadeli said...

sis: soon

anon: syukur...

nadiaz: hehhe...life must go on.

Anonymous said...

bawa kwn2 outing tiap weekend.spend masa ada kepalingan

Syafiq Fadeli said...

kalo bleh nak tiap hari,tp kerja bnyk nk wat (",)