24 April 2011

For The Rest of My Life

This is the photo of me performing For The Rest of My Life during the TESL Night.
It is my favorite Maher Zain's song and I was so excited singing it.
Erm, nothing more to write... just look at the photo la.. HOhohohohoho.

Thanks to Ariffudin Zakaria for the nice pic. Hohoho.


Nadiaz Namikaze said...

hoho,very nice!

Syafiq Fadeli said...

tq huhu.actually aku nk sgt nyanyi u raised me up dgn korg ari tu,mcm best je tau...hehehe

Nadiaz Namikaze said...

tp time tu ko masih kat sabah kan? tu la kan...sgt kurang bile ko takde.

Syafiq Fadeli said...

ya kat sabah..xda la,kalo aku ada pun aku bersengal-sengalan je kat pentas tu hehehe