Today is Friday, juz came back from class, really tired. need a short rest, then will go to the nearest mosque for Solat Jumaat. It is a sunnah to have a short nap before 'zohor' time, the thing that Rasulullah always did in his life. It is also an energy recovery, to re-energize energy that we used in the morning, and to prepare for the evening. So, happy napping guys.
p/s: nap is not sleep. you sleep, you might not go to perform Solat Jumaat at all. You nap, you will have enough energy to do it. And of course, preventing you from fall asleep during the sermon before the solat. Practice Sunnah =)
A research made by a Japanese has confirmed the notion. I think Muslims are too occupied with big 'earthly' issues that they sometimes forge that Islam is the way of life (and not just the matter of hereafter).
agree.when people start to think that Nabi Muhammad is 'not a human',they start to think that all sunnah are meant for ustaz2 and ulama'.we must understand that Nabi Muhammad was a regular human having human life.he had the feeling of anger,fear,hungry,etc.but Allah chooses him to become the best man on earth by showing the best example on how people should live their life on earth,and to guide people to Mardhatillah.and of course,mukjizat were given to him as proof that he was the chosen one,didnt mean that he was an angel or a superhuman with superpowers.
p/s: must read 'aisyah: keanggunan sejati'.
tidur berkualiti =)
menjamin hidup berkualiti hehe
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