28 January 2011

NEW header (modern fairytale)

HAHA...holiday starts and the aura of boredom is surrounding me. To save me from being eaten by that hungry crazy creature, I decided to sacrifice my nap time to edit a pic to be my new header. Luckily it saved me from Boredomisaurus but I don't think it would leave me just like that, it will come after me back soon. But for this evening, I am safe. And yeah, for the next attack, I will find another way to overcome it. Maybe I will go watch movies. Hua, I look just like a prince in a fairytale, without horse and fight no dragon. But who cares, as long as I'm the hero. Hahahaha.


mrskzee said...

maybe you can do my AE for me, free of charge. tee-hee. ;)

Ibrahim Ismail said...

How do you do that? Throw us a tutorial entry.

Syafiq Fadeli said...

mrskzee: no thanx,susah2 jer...hahaha

im: simple...edit using any software that u familiar with,then upload as a pic hehehehe.