21 October 2010


Sometimes we are to busy with the world, we keep running even we know that we still do not know where is the end of this run. Sometimes, we can hear so many voices are asking us to look back because we had left something, but the business make us afraid to look at the voices, we afraid that if we look back, then we look to the front, everybody else is leaving us too far already. So we keep running without the pause. Perhaps we don't know, what are the voices actually. I looked back once, and guess what did I see? I saw this...

Me (2 years old) and Abah

Abah and Ummi

I saw memories... I see, that the closest people to me are my family. They live with me, live for me, for a very long time. They have seen my stands and falls. They are people who celebrate all my victories. They are people who recited Al-Quran when I was sitting for exams, and they only stopped reciting when I finish answering all the questions. They are people who really take care of my life, they are the people who took care of my childhood, they built me to become this kind of adult. I have nothing to pay back. I just want to make them proud because their care does make me a human. A human who humanize humans.

Love Family.


Anonymous said...

well done! this really true. you're very right. now i am turning my head to look back. OMG, this is enough. i will cry if i stare too long. ops. kehkehkeh ^^,

Syafiq Fadeli said...

love family...right?

Anonymous said...

pamily?? left n right..no choice

Syafiq Fadeli said...

what are u saying...

Amanda Sasha said...

perggh! punya comel time kecik2 x macam sekarang.deh berkedut.kakakaka

Syafiq Fadeli said...

ofkoz la...xkan nk kiyut tiap masa hahaha